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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Self Defense & Self Defense Products How Do You Decide?

Personal safety is essential for your well being and in today's society, there just simply is no excuse for compromising your security. What most Americans do not know is the fact there are a number of tools available that you can use to make sure that you are not vulnerable to a violent attack in today's world with increasing crime trends. Non-lethal self defense weapons are designed with the general public's safety in mind. Although there are some state and local restrictions on their use, most are entirely legal to possess without a license or permit.

Since 2007, F.B.I. nationwide statistics show an increase in violent crime's such as rape, kidnapping, burglary, and violent attack's. Hard working professionals such as real estate workers, college students, career driver's, small business owners and much more would all benefit in investing in non-lethal self defense weapon systems. There items are all very affordable and considered a cheap investment in personal safety and well being.

When the topic of personal safety is brought up, most people consider the idea of having a hand gun for their protection. It is important to note that in all situations where a gun was used in a personal defense situation, the result left a long lasting impression of everyone involved. Permanent injuries to the attacker and re-occurring mental issues of the victim not to mention potential civil and possible criminal litigation. Sure, some may say when referring to the attacker's actions that "He had it coming", right? Well, there are documented cases throughout the nation where this was not the case at all. The simple fact is this, there are a variety of non-lethal self defense weapons available on the market today that are just as effective as firearms, the best part is there is no long term effect's on either party. Depending on the type of system being used, most people recover from their effects within 45 minutes to an hour.

There are essentially three categories that non-lethal self defense weapons fall into, which include but are not limited to; Electronic Control Devices: ( Tasers and Stun Guns)


The TASER® series has almost 100% effectiveness rating. It combines the injury reducing benefits of traditional stun technology with a quantum leap in stopping power via new Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) technology.
Police studies have shown, the new TASER® has a higher instant incapacitation rate than a 9mm hand gun. The TASER® shoots out 2 darts attached to 15 feet of wire. 50,000 volts travels over the wires and over-rides the central nervous system providing incredible take down power and incapacitation. The TASER® can also be used to follow up with Stun Drives.

Personal Defense Sprays:

In addition to causing an attacker pain, Pepper SprayPepper Spray swells the mucous membranes, which makes breathing difficult, and swells the veins in the eyes, causing the eyes to close. These effects can last up to 45 minutes and cause no permanent damage. Pepper Spray is a target specific non-lethal self defense weapon. Thus; to be most effective an attacker must be sprayed in the face. Pressure Point Control Tools: These tools can be very effective, however they require close personal contact and are considered to be a target specific weapon. In order for them to be effective, a pressure point must be manipulated to cause pain compliance. They require knowledge of pressure point locations.

There are many online stores offering legal non-lethal self defense products. Most of these products are well capable of offering you the kind of protection you need depending on you individual needs and abilities.

It is a common fact that most people do not even think about personal safety until it is to late and they have become a victim. Adding a non-lethal personal defense weapon to your arsenal is CHEAP insurance for personal safety. Remember, statistics show that 4 out of 10 women have been a victim of violent crime or they know someone who has. 2 of the remaining 6 will be a victim at some point in their lifetime. Don't wait to become a victim before investing in your personal safety.

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