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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Self Defense & Self Defense Products How Do You Decide?

With all of the various types of Self Defense Products on the market today, how do you determine which product it right for YOU and for what situation? I can honestly answer this one It is nothing but a personal choice. You must have some basic knowledge of the product you are thinking about purchasing. Some products are very simple to use such as pepper spray and electronic whistles and others can sometimes be just a little more intimidating to use such as kubotans, stun guns or telescopic stun batons.
With all of the various types of Self Defense Products on the market today, how do you determine which product it right for YOU and for what situation? I can honestly answer this one It is nothing but a personal choice. You must have some basic knowledge of the product you are thinking about purchasing. Some products are very simple to use such as pepper spray and electronic whistles and others can sometimes be just a little more intimidating to use such as kubotans, stun guns or telescopic stun batons.

Regardless of what self defense product you choose, you should practice and become familiar with the self defense weapon. The reason I call it a weapon is because you will be using it as one. You MUST be confident so when the need arises you react instinctively and with FORCE. You are being attacked and you DO have the right to protect yourself and your family

Do as much as you can to avoid a confrontation anticipation and avoidance are the key words. If you get caught up in a situation, try to talk to an aggressor without provoking them. Practice relaxation, as appearing fearful or stressed can actually provoke an attack. Remember that body language is important in aggressive situations, so maintain a comfortable distance between you and the aggressor.

This technique is not always successful and that is when you MUST to be ready to ACT.

Steady yourself if danger threatens. Panic can disable you, so again it's useful to learn how to keep control in a difficult situation. And if you must fight back, adopt what police term the bash and dash approach. Primary targets are the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, throat, groin, knees or shins choose whichever is easiest to get to.
Let's talk about some Self Defense Products:

Pepper Spray

OC is an inflammatory agent. Contact with mucous membranes like eyes, nose, throat and lungs causes instant capillary dilation. This results in major tearing of the eyes, if not temporary blindness, and breathing restriction. Sprayed into an attacker's face, pepper spray is an excellent self defense product the victim will be incapacitated long enough for you to get away or get help. And the effects are not long lasting; you needn't worry that you've caused damage as you could with mace or tear gas.

he kubotan is legal and entirely unregulated. To most people, the Kubotan is little more than a nondescript key ring. While the Kubotan is not particularly intimidating, it remains an effective self defense installment. It really can save your life.

Stun Guns and How They Work

Stun guns use high voltage and low amperage to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes. The stun gun does not rely on pain for results. The energy stored in the gun is dumped into the attacker's muscles causing them to do a great deal of work rapidly. This rapid work cycle instantly depletes the attackers blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid.
In short,he is unable to produce energy for his muscles,and his body is unable to function properly. The stun gun also interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that control and direct voluntary muscle movement. When the attacker's neuromuscular system is overwhelmed and controlled by the stun gun he loses his balance. Should the attacker be touching you, the current will NOT pass to your body!
There are numerous types of stun guns on the market today. Each one has a role to play. This again comes down to personal choice. Stun Guns can range from 50,000 volts up to 1,000,000 volts. All are classified as Non Lethal Self Defense Weapons. My preference in a stun gun is the Stun Master Hot Shot. This choice is due to the size and the wallop that it provides. If I am attacked the Hot Shot is going to Mess up the attacker's day!
With a stunning device, you must check your local laws to ensure it is legal to purchase and use.

Telescopic Stun Baton:

The telescopic stun baton that I prefer protects you in three ways a Light, a loud 120db Alarm and 800,000 volts of stopping power. It's rechargeable so you never have to buy batteries. Its 21.5 inches long when fully extended, and only 13 inches when collapsed.
The full length of the metal part is electrified. If the attacker tries to grab the Telescopic Stun Baton from you, he will be shocked. A push of the trigger immediately expands the Telescopic Stun Baton and starts shocking. Just push it on the end to collapse. It is very easy to do.
You shouldn't worry about being shocked should the attacker be touching you. Won't happen! The current will not pass to you. It will shock through a 1/2 inch of clothing.
With a stunning device, you must check your local laws to ensure it is legal to purchase and use.
I will repeat an earlier statement Do as much as you can to avoid a confrontation anticipation and avoidance. If and when this is not possible, PROTECT YOURSELF.

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